MARGE 1st March 2008

"We'll be waiting for you at heaven's Gates" Brokk Marge is "Our Christmas Angel" again this year! Be nice to her and offer her some Christmas cheer. Even though your Grandma Norma & I are in heaven we'll always be near. I want to make that perfectly clear. I'll be spending my Christmas with "Jesus" this year. We're both happy and doing just fine, so there's no need to fear. All of our loved one's said to say hello from up here. Marge's Dad Bob Phillips used to refer to "REX" and your Dad as "THOSE DAMNED GIRL'S". When Marge's brother Bobby was a teenager his head was full of curls. Your Great Grandma Phillips maiden name was "Burrows". Are you, Hunter & your dad all ready for Christmas this year? Our Niece Sharon's little boy Jason likes to look at himself in the mirror. Rex & I sure did find some huge mushrooms, didn't we? Mind your parents and be the best that you can be. It's not easy being parents someday you'll see. We sure had alot of good times down on the farm... didn't we? I want you to know that you & Hunter meant the world to your Grandma Norma & me. I will love you for all eternity. You were a perfect Grandson who was always good to your Grandma & me. I hope you enjoy your poem and this special picture of our family. Stay in school whatever you do. Get a college education. Your Grandma & I will be there in spirit for your High School Graduation. Focus on getting good grades, and don't play too much playstation. Your Great Grandma Phillips used to play slots when she'd go to Jake's. When you get to heaven honey, "WE'LL BE WAITING FOR YOU AT HEAVEN'S GATES"! Love, Grandpa & Grandma Doyle xoxo 10/18/06 07/12/05 Poem by: Marge Hillgartner Don & Norma's Niece