"Grandpa's Honey Bun" Hunter It took you quite awhile to warm uo to your Grandma Norma & me. But, once you did we sure had alot of fun, didn't we? You & Brokk meant the world to your Grandma & me. I really liked it when you helped fix my hair. You were a very special little Granddaughter that none could compare. Be careful when you go to the fair. You sure were good at playing rummy! Your a little "SWEETHEART", and we'll always love you honey. You girl's were down right funny. I want you & Brokk to always be close to one another. Brokk's your only Brother. Obey your Father & Mother. The love of your parents is like no other. Remember our Christmas of "2004" when all of us were together at 309 N. Marion St. That was the Christmas that couldn't be beat! There was so much love, and the food brought in was so delicious, especially the meat. There were so many people & presents that it was hard to find a seat. The new chair I got was really neat. Our family couldn't be beat! You little girl's are all SO SWEET. You girl's & I sure did enjoy eating ice cream bars, didn't we? You kid's were always fussing over me. I loved each and every one of you...you see. Grandma & I are watching over you hon. You'll always be "GRANDPA'S HONEY BUN"! Love, Grandpa & Grandma Doyle xoxo 10/18/06 07/12/05 Poem by: Marge Hillgartner Don & Norma's Niece