I watched Uncle Don at Aunt Norma's funeral and out at the cemetery and I just can't begin to imagine what pain that poor man endured by losing her. Everytime you saw them together they were holding hands. They were truly a remarkable couple who knew what true love was all about. The Doyle's are a very close knit family. I admire all of them greatly for everything they did for Don & Norma. Each and everyone of them played an important part in taking care of Uncle Don after Aunt Norma passed away. Crystal was definitely their "ANGEL"! Like Aunt Norma used to say to me "YOU'LL BE REWARDED IN HEAVEN SOMEDAY" for being so good to everybody. You can bet she's smiling down on her family for keeping Don out of a nursing home and for being so good to him! She would have also been proud of Aunt Helen for staying with Don when they needed someone and for being there for her kid's after losing her. I know that Aunt Helen took her sister Norma's death very hard saying she was never hit so hard when she found out that Norma was gone. She too had just talked to her on the phone and offered to take her to the Doctor but Aunt Norma said she didn't want her coming over and making her sick too. That if she didn't get better in a couple of day's she'd go see the Doctor. Then we went and lost Aunt Rose so the family has been through an awful lot in a very short period of time. My heart goes out to Aunt Helen because she lose's her sister Norma and then she goes to her other sister Rose and she pass's away right before her very eyes. Aunt Helen walked in the door and Rose looks over her glass's at Helen and died. They had plans to go out and eat that day. Poor Aunt Helen has lost both of her sister's and my dad Bob Phillips and now there's only her and Uncle Jake left. We all need to love one another because we just never know how our lives are going to end. Aunt Norma & Uncle Don's daughter's Carla & Connie have been good to go check on Aunt Helen and help her with some of her house work which is very nice of them. Aunt Helen has never gotten over losing her mother either [My Grandma Phillips]. Their all kind of looking out after one another these day's. That's what family's all about! Taking time for one another and showing that they care.