Wilma has told me that Connie was really crazy over their dad when she was little and used to follow him around everywhere he went. She told me that one time Don was out working in the fields and was running late getting home for supper and it upset Connie so much that she ran out into the field screaming and crying for her dad for fear something bad had happened to him. Don heard her and went running to her to see what was wrong. Wilma said it scared him half to death because he thought something really awful had happened. That's the kind of love that I too had for my dad. He got his foot cut while working in the timber with Uncle Don one time and the chain saw went clear through my dad's boot cutting the inside part of his foot causing him to have alot of stitches. I remember coming home from school at the switch office there in Burnside and when I saw that Dad had been hurt I couldn't even look at him because it just upset me that bad! I can remember he said to me, "LOOK WHAT HAPPENED TO ME PUNKY", and all I can remember is it was hard for me to see my dad hurt like that. My heart ached alot for Connie especially when she lost her "HERO" like I lost mine. I honestly thought my world had come to an end when my dad got killed. I used to sit by the window and watch for him to come home every night. I'd watch for car lights that I thought looked like his when we lived in Burnside. My husband John of 36 years is my "HERO" now. He's to me like Uncle Don was to Aunt Norma, and I am to John as Aunt Norma was to Uncle Don. "SOULMATES" forever even after death!